aussi1988 Feb 08, 2011 19:27
community: bradleystills, merlin related, bbc, community: colin_stills, bradley james, fan-art, arthur pendragon, merlin-stuff, icons, colin morgan, fan-stuff, wmip, merlin
aussi1988 Nov 29, 2010 21:18
community: bradleystills, community: colin_stills, bradley james, fan-art, arthur pendragon, icons, colin morgan, fan-stuff, photoshop, wmip
aussi1988 Oct 11, 2010 21:04
community: bradleystills, icons, colin morgan, wmip, community: colin_stills, bradley james
aussi1988 Sep 27, 2010 20:17
community: bradleystills, merlin related, arthur, bradley james, fan-art, cast & crew, icons, merlin-stuff, colin, merlin, fun, bbc, bulk of pictures, bradley, anthony, community: colin_stills, fandome, arthur pendragon, colin morgan, series 3, fan-stuff, wmip, photoshop, hobby
aussi1988 Sep 20, 2010 20:48
community: bradleystills, merlin related, the man of my heart, bradley james, fan-art, thanks, merlin-stuff, icons, mood: tired, ♥♥♥, danke, community: colin_stills, fandome, colin morgan, fan-stuff, wmip